Sunday, August 1, 2010


So, this is my very first post on my new blog and I'm super excited! In fact, I've never had a blog before but I thought I would give it a try :)

I am a mom to 5 children, one boy and 4 girls. I am trying to earn my degree in nursing and have been going for my 2 year degree since 06'. I love teaching CPR/FA/AED for  infant, children and adults and Basic HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education at a well known non-profit.

I absolutely dispise cooking and try to avoid it at all costs. How, might you say, does our family survive? Thankfully, my boyfriend is a really good cook and so we seldom have to eat burnt mac and cheese, crunchy rice or instant noodles ;)

If you are a parent, a wanna be parent, a parent to a four legged child, I hope you find my blogs interesting and usually humorous. Since the name is obviously referring to my children, be prepared for children to be the center of a lot of my posts.

Please feel free to leave feedback and post comments. I would love to hear from each of you ;)

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