Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Mom, my back is peeing....and so is yours!"

Summer reading for the library came to close yesterday and what an exciting time it was! My 3 youngest children, (4,6 and 8) all read, or I read to them, over 60 books! Big sis read her required 5 but 9th grade brother was not interested.

Let me say that I do not embarrass easily but I looooove to embarrass my children when I get the chance ;) The librarians gave them a whole packet of goodies and played a pirate song up loud in the middle of the library (yes where people were trying to concentrate and read) and congratulated them as loud as they could. The 3 youngest girls loved it but I soon noticed that the oldest princess and the football player were gone walking around the library with dad! Oh well, we tried anyway!

I picked up a kids magazine on the way out because there is usually a few cute ideas. The kids looked through it in the van on our way to the most dreaded super store around!! (BTW, if you don't like where you work, quit!) This store can almost not be avoided as they are on every curb you drive by and call out your name reminding you that you forgot toilet paper and the kids had to wipe with tissue this morning :)

On the way into the super store (aka the devil's lair), my football player tells me, "Mom, my back is peeing...and so is yours!". Did he really say his back is peeing and btw, is that even possible? Wait, this is my son, of course he said that! The oldest princess confirmed that indeed, both our backs were peeing.

Thank you kids magazine from the library. You have not only taught me something new but everyone in the family that back sweat (really any sweat) is the same as you peeing! Think about that next time you wipe sweat of your brows :)

Nan :)

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